Music for the End Times (EP, 2023)
Music for the End Times is a project that explores the uncertainty of our modern times. A backbone inspired by club music culture in London after the 2020 lockdowns represents a society looking towards an uncertain future through hedonism, contrasted by recorder harmonies of early music which find grounding in antiquity.
“Within the context of this project, so my EP ‘Music for the End Times’ which comes out on Friday 15th September, there really are two key stories that are being told. There is society’s reflection on a kind of uncertain future, and that’s really represented through this element of club music culture, the hedonism and the ‘living for the night’ idea which is expressed through electronic dance music.
In contrast there is this this element of looking towards the past and antiquity and this thought of where, things have always worked out so who’s to say that’s not going to happen now?
So really I’m actually not trying to blend these two different things, I’m really having them in their own corners creating a dialogue to make this contrast, I think has brought about a really fascinating sound. It’s been a journey for me figuring out what works, I really didn’t want to make something that is just going ‘look at me, I’m using the recorder’ because it’s so obvious. I mean for people who play recorder and certainly within early music circles it doesn’t need to be explained why we’re working with this instrument.
I would rather not try and draw in an uninitiated audience by being gimmicky, I would rather just let the music speak for itself. Maybe people won’t even realise I’m playing recorder, and that’s fine, because in some ways that is the best result – when it’s not even raised an eyebrow about an instrument which only over the last 100 years or so has gained this annoying reputation.”